Unity Gym Values
At Unity we:
are passionate, driven and determined to be the best we can be.
have goals and put the time and effort in to achieve them and encourage and inspire others to achieve theirs.
respect and care for each other and are always respectful and considerate.
have a positive mental attitude and a ton of resilience for when times get tough.
are proud of our gym, keep it clean, tidy and safe and take care of the equipment.
are accountable for our own actions.
As Unity athletes we:
take personal responsibility for our training, diet, sleep and all other factors that will make us successful.
book into (and cancel, if we must,) sessions and arrive on time. On time is determined as in the gym ready to start the warmup with the applicable attire.
are well prepared and know our numbers (because we record them…always).
inform the coach in advance if there has been a change in our health and we need an adaptation.
listen, trust and follow the coach’s advice and instructions.
allow the coach to coach and only intervene if we see someone placing themselves in immediate danger.
are focused and take our training seriously but leave our egos at the door and we do not let our competitiveness affect other members.
As Unity coaches we:
want to know your background, your goals and what makes you tick.
are confidential and will not share your story, progress or challenges with anyone unless you give us permission.
use our best judgment as qualified professionals to make decisions.
are honest (brutally honest at times) where it is in your best interests, to keep you safe and help you get the best results possible.
have different strengths and are committed to learning from each other to continually drive high performance and standards.
At Unity each one of us is responsible for upholding this Code. We will be open, honest and fair with any athlete or coach who does not act in line with the Code so that issues can be promptly resolved. Behaviour which is repeatedly a cause for concern or is so inappropriate that it cannot be tolerated (e.g. abuse, discrimination or harassment), will result in more serious action.